Unveiling the Dual 85 Test: Quality Guardian for the LED and Photovoltaic Industries
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  • Unveiling the Dual 85 Test: Quality Guardian for the LED and Photovoltaic Industries

Unveiling the Dual 85 Test: Quality Guardian for the LED and Photovoltaic Industries


In the era of rapid technological development, the quality and reliability of products have become the focus of attention for both 

consumers and enterprises. Especially in the LED and photovoltaic industries, the heat, cold, dry and humidity resistance of prod-

ucts is an important criterion to measure their quality. In this, the "double 85" test plays a crucial role.

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Constant temperature and humidity test is used to test the heat resistance, cold resistance, dryness resistance and humidity resist-

ance of materials or products in various environments, while the double 85 test is for the product's resistance to hot and humid p-

erformance test.

Reliability "double 85" test refers to the test body in the temperature set to 85 ℃, humidity for 85% of the conditions of the aging 

test, i.e., harsh environment reliability test, the more commonly used test time of 1,000 hours, mainly to test the product in the high 

temperature and high humidity in harsh environments can withstand the limit. Through the reliability of the "double 85" test, to co-

nfirm that the product components can withstand high temperatures and high humidity after the negative temperature effect, as 

well as high temperatures and high humidity due to changes in temperature and humidity caused by fatigue and thermal failure. 

Humidity, to confirm the thermal stress generated by components at high temperatures and the ability to resist long-term penetra-

tion of moisture.

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LED light sources, modules and accessories are the main application areas of the "Double 85" test. After the "Double 85" test, it can 

reproduce the damage of its components under high temperature and high humidity environment, so that potential quality proble-

ms can be identified and solved at the product design stage. In addition, it is also a frequently used environmental test condition in 

product life testing, providing important data to support product life prediction.

In addition to the LED industry, the "Double 85" test is also widely used in the solar panel industry. Solar panels may be affected by 

high temperature and high humidity during prolonged use, resulting in performance degradation or even damage. The Dual 85 test 

can help manufacturers screen out poor quality products at the production stage, thus improving overall product reliability and 


The "Double 85" test is of great significance to the development of the LED and photovoltaic industries. First, the "Double 85" test 

ensures the quality and reliability of solar products. In the LED and solar panel industry, the quality and reliability of the products 

directly affect the performance and service life of the products. If the product has quality problems, it may lead to performance 

degradation, damage or safety hazards. The "Double 85" test can simulate the harsh environment of high temperature and high 

humidity to fully examine the product's heat resistance, cold resistance, drying resistance, humidity resistance, and resistance to 

high temperature and humidity penetration for a long period of time. Through this kind of test, solar or LED manufacturers can 

find and solve potential quality problems, improve product reliability and stability.

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Secondly, the "Double 85" test can help enterprises reduce production costs and after-sales maintenance costs. In the LED and 

photovoltaic industries, production costs and after-sales maintenance costs are one of the main expenses of enterprises. If the 

product has quality problems, it may lead to frequent after-sales maintenance, customer complaints and other problems, which in 

turn increase the cost of enterprises. The "Double 85" test can help companies screen out poor quality solar modules at the produ-

ction stage, reduce the number of defective products, and thus reduce production costs and after-sales maintenance costs.

So, how is the "Double 85" test implemented? In fact, the implementation of the "double 85" test is not complicated, you need to 

go through the following steps: first, put the product to be tested into the constant temperature and humidity test chamber; seco-

nd, set the temperature and humidity of the test chamber for 85 ℃ and 85%; and then, to maintain the stability of the temperature 

and humidity in the test chamber to start the clock; next, in the specified period of time to observe and record the product's perfo-

rmance and changes in performance; and finally, according to the test results of the analysis and evaluation of the product. Finally, 

the product is analyzed and evaluated according to the test results.

It is worth noting that the "Double 85" test not only has strict requirements on the quality of the product, but also has high require-

ments on the precision and stability of the test equipment. Constant temperature and humidity test chamber is the necessary equip-

ment for "Double 85" test, and the precision of its temperature and humidity control directly affects the accuracy and reliability of 

the test results. Therefore, in the "double 85" test, you need to choose high-precision, highly stable constant temperature and humi-

dity test chamber, and in strict accordance with the operating procedures for testing.

The "Double 85" test is also applicable to products used in electronics, electrical appliances, LED lighting products, communications, 

instrumentation, vehicles, plastic products, metals, food, chemicals, building materials, medical, aerospace and other products.

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Overall, the "Double 85" test is an important guarantee of product quality in the LED and photovoltaic industries. Through this test, 

not only can improve the reliability and stability of the product, but also help companies to reduce the cost of solar production solar 

sales and after-sales maintenance costs. In the future, the scope of application of "Double 85" test will be further expanded to 

provide quality assurance for more industries. Let's look forward to this era full of opportunities and challenges, and witness the 

common progress of technology and quality!

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