Why can't you put solar panels on an electric car to charge it?

Why can't you put solar panels on an electric car to charge it?


In recent years, as people's awareness of environmental protection increases, electric vehicles have gradually become one of the main 

choices for people to travel. However, the charging problem of electric vehicles has always been a difficult problem for people. 

In order to solve this problem, some people have proposed the installation of solar panels on the electric car to recharge the electric 

energy program. So, why can't we install solar panels on electric vehicles to recharge electricity?

Flexible solar panel

I. Limited area of electric vehicles

The area of the electric car is limited, especially the electric car used in the city, its area is relatively small. Solar panels need a certain 

area to generate enough power to charge the electric car. If solar panels are to be installed on EVs, they need to take up a large area 

of the vehicle body, which is obviously unrealistic. Therefore, from the point of view of the area of the electric car, it is not suitable to 

install solar panels on the electric car to charge the electricity.

solar PV panels

II. Electric car batteries consume a lot of power

The battery of the electric car is the largest part of the electric car power consumption. Generally speaking, the battery capacity of 

the electric car is relatively large, and the amount of electricity needed to charge is also relatively large. And solar panels are limited, 

if you use solar panels to charge the electric car, its charging speed will be very slow, need to wait for a long time. This is obviously 

not suitable for electric vehicles that need to be charged quickly. Therefore, from the perspective of electric vehicle battery consum-

ption, it is also not suitable to install solar panels on electric vehicles to recharge electricity.

SOLAR Energy

III. Insufficient solar panel power generation

Solar panel power generation is also a factor to consider. As solar panels are affected by weather, light intensity and other factors, their 

power generation is unstable. If you use solar panels to charge an electric car, then in cloudy weather or insufficient light, the power 

generation of solar panels will be greatly reduced, unable to meet the charging needs of electric cars. In addition, the power generation 

efficiency of solar panels is also one of the factors to be considered. Generally speaking, the power generation efficiency of solar panels 

is only about 20%, which means that only about 20% of solar energy can be converted into electricity. Therefore, from the point of view 

of solar panel power generation, it is also not suitable to install solar panels on the electric car to charge electricity.

Flexible solar panel

IV. Charging Safety Issues

Installation of solar panels on electric vehicles to replenish electricity there is also a security risk. Generally speaking, the charging 

equipment for electric vehicles are professionally designed, tested and certified regular products, their safety and reliability can be 


Self-installed solar panels, on the other hand, may have safety hazards, such as ill-designed circuits and overheated batteries, which 

may cause safety accidents. Therefore, from the charging safety point of view, it is also not suitable to install solar panels on electric 

vehicles to recharge electricity.

solar PV panels

In summary, it is not suitable to install solar panels on electric vehicles to recharge electricity from the aspects of electric vehicle 

area, electric vehicle battery consumption, solar panel power generation and charging safety. Although solar energy is a clean 

energy source, its feasibility and safety aspects need to be considered in practical applications. Therefore, in the future, we need 

to continue to explore solar panels more suitable charging methods and technologies for electric vehicles to better meet people's 

travel needs and environmental requirements.

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