European Council adopts new renewable energy directive

What is the most abundant source of energy on earth - solar energy


In the context of energy change, the first step to move completely away from fossil fuels is to increase the direct use of solar energy, i.e., to increase the amount of solar power generated.


Scientists studying potential ways to limit climate change also agree that by the middle of the 21st century, carbon emissions from the power sector must be reduced by 80 to 100 percent. This goal is known as "deep decarbonization" of the power sector. Considering economic and political factors, it is clear that renewable solar and wind energy are the core options to accomplish this important task.

Decarbonization of the power sector certainly includes other reasons. On the one hand, the economic sources of clean electricity already exist, but it is extremely difficult to replace the fossil fuels that support other industries. For example, in the industrial sector, there are very limited options to replace coal and natural gas that heat plants and refineries while being reasonably priced. In the transportation sector, petroleum products occupy a central position, dominating more than 90 percent of the energy consumption of all means of travel. Few alternative fuels are commercially viable in these areas.


The small but consistent growth of the electric vehicle industry suggests that electricity may be a viable alternative fuel for the transportation sector. Thus, decarbonizing electricity is not only the most convenient way to begin reducing global energy emissions, but may also be a way to reduce emissions from other sectors that use non-electricity.


On the other hand, the demand for electricity is also expected to grow rapidly in the future. Today, electricity is already being used around the world in projects that have been dependent on other energy carriers in the past.

For example, electric engines are replacing petroleum-based fuels in vehicle drives; electric heat pumps are replacing natural gas for home and business heating; and in steel production, electric arc furnaces the coal used in the steel production process. In addition, population growth and urbanization will result in more people needing access to modern energy. The International Energy Agency predicts that electricity demand could double by the middle of the 21st century. Even in the best-case scenario, in which the world dramatically improves energy efficiency, electricity demand will grow by 80 percent.


By 2050, all or almost all of the world's growing demand for electricity will require zero-carbon energy. And of that, the amount of energy that solar energy can provide is critical. Of course, regardless of how much of the world's electricity supply will be met by solar energy by the middle of the 21st century, it is an obvious fact that the ultimate potential of solar energy to meet human energy needs cannot be underestimated, as it is the most abundant source of energy on the planet.


When we predict the technical potential of solar energy, or how much sunlight can be converted into energy, we can have more than 100 different predictions, subject to environmental, geographic and technological constraints. But even so, solar energy stands alone in its technical ability to supply the world with the electricity it needs.

Therefore, in the second half of the 21st century, the most reasonable goal is for solar energy to become the world's primary source of energy, meeting most of the world's energy needs. Achieving this goal will require more than solar photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight into energy; it will also require methods of converting sunlight into portable fuel and thermal energy. In addition, achieving this goal will require redesigning energy systems to connect solar energy to the world's energy needs.

While achieving this vision sounds far-fetched and daunting, Musk is confident that the world will achieve it. He predicts, "The primary way to produce energy will be solar. At least solar will take a relatively high percentage, probably slightly more than 50 percent in the long run."

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